lunes, 12 de junio de 2017

The arquitecture and the geometry

Throughout history, there have been different cultures. These cultures are distinguished by having characteristics of each one of them. Every culture has a distinctive art and a arquitecture. We can see the legacy left to us by the Muslim architecture in Spain, such as the Mosque of Cordoba, a clear example of Muslim architecture that still remains in Andalusia.

(Mosque of Cordoba)
 There are many constructions that have Muslim origin and remain in today's world, as for example, the “Giralda” of Seville and Granada's Alhambra. With these constructions, we see that the importance of the geometry is not limited to the field of education, it goes far beyond. By this, when you teach has to show this, that the geometry is not limited to the figures that we study in school, but it serve and it has served much throughout history, and that thanks to the existence of the geometry, today we can see these impressive and complex constructions such as we have seen in the images.

(Mosque of Cordoba)

 (Alhambra, Granada)

With this, I would also like to explain that the architecture has a great relationship with the geometry, as the constructions, on numerous occasions, are based on geometric figures. In addition, we can also find mosaics and other forms they call a lot of attention.

Do you think that Geometry is important in our live? 

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