sábado, 10 de junio de 2017

We discovered the geometry in the street

One of the contents within the block of geometry that can be found in the Education Act currently in force in Spain (LOMCE) is: "4.2. Identificación de formas planas y espaciales en objetos y espacios cotidianos.”. This can be developed thanks to the new technologies with interactive activities. However, students can learn and better assimilate these concepts if you come and discover in your everyday life.

A very interesting activity, which can be done in any course of Primary Education, is a didactic output (a tour). This output is very easy to carry out, because it consists in walking around the school, and the children have to go pointing to the geometrical figures that look, indicating its shape. As an example, you can say that the license plate of a car is a rectangle, the wheel is a circle, or a traffic signal is a triangle.

What do you think about it?

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